Secrets of the Royal Bedchamber
AV- Installations - Hampton Court Palace

Within the rooms of the Queens state apartment at Hampton Court Palace, Baroque ceiling paintings are digitally re-enacted setting the context and introducing the themes of the exhibition „Secrets of the Royal Bed Chamber“. Projections on the ceilings complete the Baroque staterooms and add a further layer of interpretation, which relates to the artefacts on display. The combination of moving image and multichannel audio invokes an emotional response from the visitor and compliments the original 17th and 18th century architecture.
Project information
Concept, Storyboard & Production: Tom Duncan, Noel McCauley
Content coordination: Cristina Navarro
Technical planning: Satria Isa, Tristam Clarke
Sound Design: Arno Kraehahn, Sebastian Morsch
Motion Graphics: Jan Raiber, Peter Hecker, Jonas & the Wolf
Client: Historic Royal Palaces, Hampton Court
Scope of work: Concept, storyboard, Technical planning, media production
Production time: August 2012 to March 2013